Friday, February 12, 2010


Ophelia has never been a big fan of the car, as some of you may know.  The only car ride she did not cry on as a baby was home from the birth center...really, it's true.  I know this is not that uncommon for babies.  So we have become very creative in the car.  Now I can't even believe the work that we put into going on a short ride say a mile to the store and back,  needless to say this has kept our car travel to a minimum.  So now with Prudence, Ophelia has something to focus on.  She tells her stories, sings her songs (specifically Dear Prudence or Baa Baa Black Sheep), and most recently throws her toys or books!  Yes Prudence has now taken about three books to the face out of love from her big sister.  And has the bruises to show for it!!  I now know not to give them books anymore unless I am in the back with them, but really?!?  It blew me away every time it happened.  And Ophelia just said "Mama, she wanted it so bad!".  Oh I really hope I can make it through these stages!  I try not to be so fearful of them hurting each other, out of love of course:)...
Here are some of the newest photos of the ladies...

I think I am finally getting the hand of this.  And sorry for the lack of posts, the traveling, the holidays, the holiday hangover, but I am back... 

Friday, November 27, 2009

"You are my best friend in the wide world"

This is what Ophelia says when she really wants to let me know that she loves me, or her sister.  Every time I hear it I just melt...I ask her to repeat it too often.  The other morning BJ put her in our bed before he left for work, this is our new routine, when she woke up she was so happy to be snuggled up to me that she touched my face and said "Mama I think you are beautiful, Mama I think I love can kiss me on my cheek!"  These are the moments I focus on these days, these days with a 2 yr old.  When I feel overwhelmed by the amount of things on my list that never get checked off and just get added and added, these moments of her pure love and affection toward us.  She is trying out all the roles these days.  She try's to hit, she try's to be selfish, she try's to be mean, but it never really feels good to her.  She is a little goofball, a joker like her dad, and a lover, so sweet.  She reminds me to be light, open, warm, especially in the moments I want to be rigid and heavy.  So lucky to have her as my little teacher!  Cannot wait to see what her sister has in store for me.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tita & Tito come to visit

We had some very special guests in October, Tita & Tito came and stayed for a whole week!!!  Boy did we have fun!!!  We took them everywhere with us, to the library, to the pumpkin patch, and we even drove up to the Vancover Aquarium!!  Here look at these amazing pictures!

brand new...

A long over due picture of Prudence about 2 hours old!!  She still has those chunky cheeks!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ok so maybe I am crazy...

I am beginning to think that BJ is is a terrible time to start this blog, but when has bad timing ever stopped us from anything? So we are officially moved in and living in our new HOUSE!!! It is a very exciting time in our lives for so many reasons! We have two little angels that keep us on our toes and our heart overflowing. We have this new house that will take all the time we want to give to it. BJ is kickin' a** at work, ok not literally but he is really doing GREAT, he just got employe of the quarter. I know he rocks.
I did realize today that I have to pace myself.  I just finally got our front room swept and mopped, I mean it had been vacuumed just not mopped.  Boy did that feel good!!  I wanted to scrub the whole house till it was so shiny and new...ish.  But I had to be satisfied with the diapers I got folded.

Anyway here are some pictures of the girls...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Lets give this a try...

We have a 2 yr old, a 3 month old and just bought a seems like the perfect time to start a blog! Well, BJ thinks I am crazy, but I think I need this. I guess we will see.